This is getting interesting. Lisek has posted again on my post – which is very welcome, as I genuinely do welcome debate and discussion.
It’s not quite as welcome to find an accusation in the title of the post to the effect that I haven’t read ‘A Conflict of Visions’ and yet deign to comment on it – but I’m a forgiving sort of person. (It’s also a bit sad that s/he gave up completing the response simply because, I guess, s/he thought I wasn’t really worth it.)
To be fair, it’s a deduction rather than an accusation. Lisek came to a ‘realisation’ that I hadn’t read the book because of my comments about Marx being a ‘Tragic Visionary’.
I’ll respond in two parts. First (in this post), I’ll respond to the ‘have I read the book?’ arguments and clarify what I was really trying to say (long-windedly, I’m afraid). Second, I’ll respond (in a second post) to some of the points in what Lisek posted before realising there was no point.
On to Sowell and Marx … Continue reading →